A Word from Bob 

If you had just the size of a Twitter tweet to capture something of the essence of what makes biblical counseling truly biblical, what would you tweet?

I’ve been asking myself that question of late. And…I’ve been answering that question daily. Here’s a compilation of my third week of tweets—taken directly from Scripture, and starting with the phrase: As biblical counselors… And always ending with the hashtag #BibleCn for “Biblical Counseling.” (I’ve developed this week’s summaries from Scripture and from the Biblical Counseling Coalition’s Confessional Statement—I had the honor of overseeing the development of the Confessional Statement in 2010.)

Here’s a link to Week 1: 7 Summaries of Biblical Counseling: As Biblical Counselors…Week 1  

Here’s a link to Week 2: 7 Summaries of Biblical Counseling: As Biblical Counselors…Week 2 

Summary Tweet 1: James 3:13 

As biblical counselors, we believe that we best demonstrate wisdom and understanding, not simply by words, but by our lives—by good deeds done in humility that come from God’s wisdom (James 3:13). #BibleCn

Summary Tweet 2: Ephesians 3:18

As biblical counselors, we know that our counselees’ ability to grasp how wide, long, high, and deep is Christ’s love develops in the context of Christian community—together with all the saints. Counseling is a sub-set of broader one-another relationships in Christ (Eph. 3:18). #BibleCn

Summary Tweet 3: Eph. 4:17-5:2 

As biblical counselors, our goal is the glory of God displayed through the spiritual, relational, and personal maturity of counselees as evidenced in desires, thoughts, motives, actions, and emotions that increasingly reflect Jesus (Eph. 4:17-5:2). #BibleCn

Summary Tweet 4: John 1:1; John 1:14

As biblical counselors, we believe that wise counseling centers on Jesus Christ—His sinless life, death, burial, resurrection, present reign, and promised return (John 1:1). Wise counseling focuses on heart change by bringing to bear the truth, mercy, and power of Christ’s grace (John 1:14). #BibleCn

Summary Tweet 5: John 14:6

As biblical counselors, we point people to a person, Jesus our Redeemer, and not to a program, theory, or experience. We place our trust in the transforming power of the Redeemer as the only hope to change people’s hearts (John 14:6). #BibleCn

Summary Tweet 6: Philippians 1:9-11 

As biblical counselors, we believe that the best biblical counselors are wise, balanced, caring, experienced practical theologians. Wise counseling arises from a theological way of looking at life that informs how we understand people, problems, and solutions (Phil. 1:9-11). #BibleCn

Summary Tweet 7: Hebrews 3:1-19 

As biblical counselors, we seek to understand particular passages and a person’s unique life experience within the context of the Bible’s larger storyline: God’s creation, our fall into sin, His redemptive plan, and the consummation of all things (Heb. 3:1-19). #BibleCn

Join the Conversation 

If you had just the size of a Twitter tweet to capture something of the essence of what makes biblical counseling truly biblical, what would you tweet?

Of the seven tweets from this week, which ones resonate the most with you? Why?

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