Truth & Love Blog

Trust and Obey

Sanctification (Gospel imperative) involves our grace-motivated and Spirit-dependent response to God in which we actively obey by cooperating with the work of the Spirit in our new heart.

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Five to Live By

Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.

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How People Change

How do you answer the question: “What is the relationship between our salvation in Christ (the Gospel indicative) and our sanctification in Christ (the Gospel imperative)?

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How to Disagree in an Agreeable Way

In the coming days, I plan to post my thoughts on growth in grace. However, today I want to focus on how Kevin and Tullian have related to one another…and contrast that with how some people, Christian bloggers in particular, at times relate to other bloggers.

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Cotton Mather: A Puritan Father’s Lesson Plan, Part 1

On Father’s Day we tend to focus on simple gifts to Dad—a tie, a silly or sentimental card—and back-yard barbecues. All good things, to be sure. And modern fathers tend to focus their parental energy on teaching their kids how to play sports, earn good grades, or lead a “balanced life.” Again, all good, but have we lost our focus on a father’s spiritual role?

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